Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Nanjing part 7 - Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and other bits of Nanjing

Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

 Dr Sun Yat-sen is a tremendously significant individual connected with "modern" China he was the first president and founding father of the Republic of China. He was born in what is now Zhongshan City (there is a very good memorial there) in 1866 with a cultural backgrounding Hakka and Cantonese. I would highly recommend reading the Wikipedia reference above.

Although he died in Beijing he is laid to rest in Nanjing the old Capital.

Lulled into a false sense of security one is suddenly confronted with the thing that characterises so many Chines monuments - the death of a thousand steps - pretty tough on my ancient western knees and beyond the reach of all but the most determined of older seniors.

It did strike me as odd that there should be such a grandiose display for a person who was instrumental in the downfall of the Qing Dynasty and the excesses that represented to the common person.

Views from the Guangzhou to Nanjing fast train
(six hours roughly with a lot of stops).


View from our hotel overlooking the Yangtze River with an elevated cycleway in the foreground and illuminated sculpture in the centre.

I can't remember where this was but I was really taken with the intricate design in a glazed piece.

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